
Web results Vacation | Definition of Vacation by Merriam-Webster Sep 11, 2018 -  Definition of vacation . (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a period spent away from home or business in travel or recreation had a restful  vacation  at the beach. 2a : a scheduled period during which activity (as of a court or school) is suspended. b : a period of exemption from work granted to an employee. Over the last 8 days I have been on a vacation.  It had been a while since I've taken time away from my personal training business and the FIT LAB.  You know how it is...  'they can't get along without me', 'I don't have the time', 'We don't have the money', are only a few excuses in regards to packing up and getting out of town.  I always new my staff was awesome but I was a bit apprehensive about leaving. Well guess what?  Everything ran smoothly while I was away!    Being grateful for my staff is an understatement.  They are awesome
Good morning!  It's been a long time since I've posted to my blog.  No excuses other than it fell  on off to the wayside.  A lot has happened since my last entry!  So much that I don't know where to begin... let's see -   We added some new AWESOME group exercise instructors and personal trainers, more classes and specialty programs.  I acquired a Precision Nutrition cert which allows me to train you with protocols that will help you in making positive nutrition changes that will absolutely be a positive for creating lifestyle changes.   My passion runs as deep and focused as always and yes......... I'M BACK!! :)

Wellness Is No Fad

The key to wellness is to accept personal responsibility for your health every single day. Wellness Is No Fad The key to wellness is to accept personal responsibility for your health every single day. Amplifeied

Do It For Yourself

​Fall in love with caring for your body. Do It For Yourself ​Fall in love with caring for your body. Amplifeied

YOUR goal is to lose weight. YOU know what to eat. YOU cannot stick to your plan. WHY?

Are you tired of  riding the diet roller coaster?   Have you tried dieting using some of these?  The  ZONE Diet,  HGG Diet, Beverly Hills Diet or the DASH Diet?  Let's not forget my favorite, the Cabbage Soup Diet!  With these diets, yes you can be sucessful in your weight loss goal, but how long will it be before you are back to square one?  Most of these diet protocols are not lifestyle sustainable and your rebound is inevitable. Our reality is that the dilemma isn’t really about what you should be eating. Most people know what they should and should not eat. Healthy eating doesn’t vary as much as diet book authors would like you to think. Very few of such authors would argue that food quality doesn’t matter, that your diet shouldn’t consist of plenty of whole foods especially vegetables, fruits, and lean protein sources, or that you shouldn’t avoid the types of food you have a hard time digesting. As a Precision Nutrtion certified coach I offer you ProCoach, a program that i


Diet Take a second objective look at the word itself.  DIE t.  For years I have been a proponent of diets and coaching my clients with tools believed to  be helpful in creating a lifestyle which would help them achieve the positive change they yearned for.  By checking the label, weighing and monitoring food intake we believed the end result would be success.  We put every bite of food we ate into an online diary that was back office monitored by me, their coach.  I would provide feedback and together we would work towards an end goal of positive change.  In addition exercise has always been a component of the programs. Did the program work?  Yes.  Was it sustainable?  In most cases no, it was not.  Statistics state 97% of weight loss is regained within 3 years and often it's more weight than what was originally lost.  All that effort and hard work down the drain! What does one do?  We start all over again and so the cycle begins. Thankfully a Precision Nutrition advertisemen

Lighten Up

​And remind your children to carry their backpack with both straps! Lighten Up ​And remind your children to carry their backpack with both straps! #LookUpAmerica Amplifeied